Are You Ready To Conceive?

What you do prior to conceiving is just as important as what you do after. Pre-conception care helps to ensure that you are physically and mentally ready to have a baby. It also helps to identify any problems that could make conceiving a challenge. If you and your partner are preparing to have a family, here are some pre-conception care tips to remember.   Schedule a Preconception Care Checkup One of the most important steps you can take to prepare for pregnancy is to schedule a checkup with your gynecologist. [Read More]

What's Causing Your Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness cannot only make intercourse painful, but it can also bother you throughout the day. The occasional day-long bout of dryness is usually caused by nothing more than normal hormonal fluctuations, but if your dryness has lingered for a few days or more, it's time to look more closely for an underlying cause. Here are some of the most likely culprits. Menopause Are you in your 40s or 50s? This could be the first sign of menopause. [Read More]

Tips For Managing Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic reproductive condition that not only contributes to significant pain during menstruation but may cause crippling pain and other symptoms throughout the month. There are several treatment strategies designed to minimize pain and possibly reduce the incidence of infertility associated with endometriosis. Control Menstrual Pain Although not all women with endometriosis will have severe menstrual pain, it is a common symptom. If you find your periods are especially troublesome, you may benefit from developing a pain control regimen. [Read More]

3 Unexpected Things You Never Knew About Menopause

According to Healthline, the average woman will enter menopause at around age 51. You're beginning to show all the usual symptoms, including an end to that nagging period, hot flashes, night sweats and all the other signs you and your girlfriends have discussed over endless cups of coffee. However, if you're in the throes of menopause, you might be experiencing some symptoms that don't seem normal, and may even be scary. [Read More]